How our Deed Storage Process Works
At Deeds Storage, we address all of your needs concerning your title deeds. We first check that you have a complete set of title deeds. We do not certify or guarantee your title, but we do check that fundamentally it is in order. That completed, we prepare a schedule (list) of all of your crucial title deed documents in a structured way.
To preserve these core deeds, we photocopy and scan. We send you a copy by post and email as part of our Deeds Storage service. We also save a copy to our INPUTE digital archive and store the originals for you.
Benefits or our Deed Storage Service
- Deeds checked
- Deeds scheduled (listed)
- Copy of core deeds sent to you by post
- Soft copy emailed to you
- Soft copy stored in our INPUTE digital archive
- No penalty or fee for early withdrawal